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The church in Colossae is one that is mentioned in Philemon, the letter to the Colossians, and the book of Acts. Here are some key points about what is going on (for deeper study, check out Adam Clarke's commentary on the book of Colossians found here). 
What we know about this city largely comes from the Bible. Not much is known from outside sources.
The modern location of Colossae can be found on this site by exploring the map page.
What was going on in this city during this time (roughly 60-62 AD):
  • While it's unclear as to whether this city was predominately Jewish or Gentile, we know they were prone to falling captive to "hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world." 
    • This statement from Colossians 2:8 was likely in reference to Jewish Mystics, Judiazers, and/or Gnostics within the city
  • Depending upon the translation, the church in Colossae was observing dietary laws, religious festivals, New Moon celebrations, and a Sabbath day.*
    • They were chastized for allowing outside influences to tell them how to observe them and the purpose behind them.
  • Both Philemon and Nympha had home churches in Colossae
  • Slavery was commonplace in Colossae as well
*This verse in Colossians 2 is a point of difference. Some commentators agree that Paul was instructing the church to not do these things when they were commanded. Others think they were being told to stop doing them or that they were incorrect in their observance.
Clarke, Adam. "Commentary on Colossians overview". "The Adam Clarke Commentary". 1832
Niv Archaeological Study Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2005), 1977-80
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