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Reconcile with your brother
While Philemon may sound like a Jamaican name to us today (EHHEY! Phile-Mon!), alas he was not a Bob Marley fan. Here's what we do know about the man to whom Paul wrote this letter:
Philemon was a dear friend and worker with Paul and Timothy
He heard the Gospel from Paul while in Ephesus
He worked with Apphia, his wife, and Arrchippus, his son, in Colossae
He had a home
A church gathering took place in his home
His home was large enough to have a guest room
He had a faith in Jesus that gave Paul great joy and encouragement
His faith was also refreshing to the hearts of the saints
He had a slave named Onesimous, who's name means "Useful."
He also knew Epaphras
Orr, James, M.A., D.D. General Editor. Entry for 'Philemon'. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. 1915.
Niv Archaeological Study Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2005), 1977-80
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